My best friend got married! I’ve known him since, what, kindergarten? Maybe little girls fantasize about their friends’ weddings, but certainly not us. While we were sitting in math class or doing school projects or playing Super Smash Bros or rehearsing music duets together or just growing up side by side, I truly never about what this day would look like.
But here we are, 26 years later. He’s standing in City Hall with his wife, and I’m there alongside their families bearing witness with my camera to their ceremony.
On a photographic note, SF City Hall is quite the challenge to photograph in. Especially because my kit is smaller, other photographers who use big flashes and suitcases and assistants holding light setups feel empowered to push us around.

Later, lots more friends and family joined, and the lions came too. (He’s a martial artist and taught several of the lion dancers there)
It would have been a shame for his suit if he danced a lion dance, so instead the bride and groom danced an elegant first dance.

And you can’t forget his best man’s best speech ever. What a roast! And of course this was a great high school reunion. I won’t share much more here on this website, but man was it great to see everyone.
Congratulations guys! Thanks for letting me part of your special days. Be wonderful.