Tag Archives: med school

One Vote of Confidence

This weekend is Cornell’s Accepted Students Weekend, when we invite in all the students who earned our school’s stamp of approval and try to convince them to choose Cornell. We bribe them with lavish food, enthusiastic current students touting their extracurriculars (hi), and NYC excursions such comedy clubs and museums and bars. They also get to meet their fellow prospective students and decide if they are people they can befriend for the next four years. It’s a wonderful two-day ordeal. Continue reading One Vote of Confidence

GERD is hungry

Today in the OR, I had a crummy revelation. As you might know, I have GERD (aka reflux, aka heartburn). It’s been developing for years, but I was officially diagnosed in December; since then, I’ve been treating it diligently with medication and avoiding things like eating too late, eating before exercise, or eating spicy or drinking hot foods. It’s been going well, but I just learned that my GERD has a new enemy now: hunger. Continue reading GERD is hungry

Cesarean Section

An obstetrician can extract a baby by C-section in a matter of seconds. It’s an unexpectedly rapid and brutal surgery even when medically indicated and scheduled, like for this mother. She had the time to have an epidural line placed into her spinal canal so she could remain awake during the procedure. They checked by ultrasound the baby was head-down, laid the mom down gingerly, doused her abdomen in brown betadine cleaning solution, and draped her in blue. They invited in the husband, dressed in an absurd blue-scrub jumpsuit, and he stood on the other side of the drapes with the anesthesiologist to hold his wife’s hand during the surgery. He seemed anxious, but the mom seemed quite at ease lying on the table considering what was about to transpire. Continue reading Cesarean Section

First Blood, Finally

Patients want the best care possible when they’re in the hospital, and in a practical profession like medicine, best essentially equates to most experienced care. At a training hospital like NYP Cornell, there are young trainees — like me — who are the least experienced and therefore need opportunities to improve. They’re always monitored and guided by our mentors, but yes, at one point, we must perform a task for literally the first time ever. And yes, there will be a patient will be on the receiving end of that. Continue reading First Blood, Finally

First night, first life.

At 1:33 am on Thursday February 18, 2016, a beautiful baby girl was born. It was the first delivery I witnessed and on the first night of working/learning in the hospital, and it was a wonderful introduction to real-life medical care. Thanks to primacy, I’ll remember the baby’s name (which obviously I can’t type here) and what happened in that room for a long time to come. Continue reading First night, first life.