Teammates, for life. April 15, 2022.

It’s summer in my mid-to-late 20s, so you know what that means: it’s wedding season! Being invited to take photos at three of my friends’ special days is such an honor that I’ll remember forever, and not only because I have literally thousands more photos of them than anyone else… Continue reading Wedding Season 2019
This post was written in retrospectively in July 2017 about a wedding that happened in August 2013. One of my closest friends from high school was getting married, so I made a big drive from Santa Barbara where I was working up to the Bay Area where we’re from.
This was within a couple of months of me getting my camera and within a week of me getting my macro lens. Whoa. This probably explains my excess of shots of table ornaments and food. Continue reading Wedding guest with a camera
My best friend got married! I’ve known him since, what, kindergarten? Maybe little girls fantasize about their friends’ weddings, but certainly not us. While we were sitting in math class or doing school projects or playing Super Smash Bros or rehearsing music duets together or just growing up side by side, I truly never about what this day would look like.
But here we are, 26 years later. He’s standing in City Hall with his wife, and I’m there alongside their families bearing witness with my camera to their ceremony.
Continue reading Weddings and Lions
During the weekend of July 4th, my friends Rachel and Winston were married in London! This is a little ironic given that both the bride and groom are American as were almost all of their guests, but all the same.
In what I assume is the most classy British way possible, they were married in the church where the groom was baptized and had the reception in an old temple.
This weekend, my friends Michelle and Allan got married in Boston! And… they had me tag along and photograph it! They live in New York too and I’m “distant classmates” with the bride at med school, but we all trekked to Boston because she also went to Harvard. The groom also went to Harvard. None of us knew each other when at Harvard, haha. Continue reading Boston Wedding
This weekend, there was a wedding and it was dapper. Continue reading #Shmickey Wedding
This was written retrospectively in July 2017.
I think that weddings in New York City are notorious for being ridiculously expensive. Following typical convention for decoration, guest lists, menus, flowers, and everything else in a place where everything is more expensive and space is hard to come by means expenses add up quickly. The solution? Focus on what really matters. Continue reading Fort Tryon Wedding